The Hospital building is located in a nice site. It is a five-story building, each storyof about 14,000 m². It has different distinctive facilities and services to support the Hospital work, e.g. an automatic sterilization unit,a restaurant, a central kitchen, a laundry unit, a maintenance unit, electricity support units, a central warehouse, and a 200 seater Auditorium space. The hospital is located on an area of 16,000 m² with well-designed gardens and parking lots for employees, visitors and service cars. There 200 patientbeds are distributed among large and comfortable rooms equipped with latest medical devices to ensure highest level of healthcare service. There are also numerous teaching rooms in all building floors, well equipped with needed hi-tecteaching aids, e.g. data projectors, internet/intranet access, data transmission etc. for delivering lessons, seminars, lectures and concluding symposia. The Hospital has another building designed for supporting services, e.g. water filtering, pumping station, main warehouses, maintenance units, and a synchronized automated power-generating station.
Hospital vision:
1.Graduating a generation of physcians capable to lead and guide medical care in accordance to principles proficiency, scientifc research and higher values.
2.Treating all medical cases, even complicated ones, on the Syrian territories and limiting traveling abroad for treatment
Hospital Mission:
2. The hospital strives to realize the scientifc, educational, cultural and medical objectives planned by the ministry of Higher Education and the ministry of Health to develop the society. The hospital’s departments and modern equipments,compliant with modern hospitals standards, offers also full medical service according to the patients needs according to the hospital mission and available possibilities relevant to patient’s care, safety and security.
3. Work for scientific, educational and cultural developing of human, medical and technical staff in accordance to patient’s basic needs for serving present and future development through providing distinctive specializations for hospitalizing in addition to continous qualifications and training for linking the hospital anf the faculty of meidcie objectives and the society needs.
4.Attracting highly qualified administrative, medical and technical cadre and linking medical work with modern curricula adopted in the faculty of medicine and the ministry of Higher Education to the benefits of the university’s scientific and educational objectives and cope to modern and scientific developments.
5.Activationg scientifc reseach and directing it toward society service and development.
6.Contribution in training students, in such a manner that guaranteesindependent thinking, creativity in medical domains and participation in teamwork, through scientific programs and modern medical instrumentations; for the benefits of the homeland and patients.
7.Prepare graduated physicians capable to compete in respective specializations and open to them a space for creativity.
8.Promoting integration between different health sectors, and work for twining with other highly experienced hospitals and concluding cooperation and scientific exchange with foreign hospitals for providing both parties’ students withscience and knowledge, exchange theoretical and practical experiences to guarantee qualification and training to realize medical specialized adequate treatment for patients.
9.The hospital coordinates and cooperates with relevant governmental and non-governmental authorities totackle health and environmental issues through setting plans and mechanisms for solving them and to provide appropriate support.
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