
Management science

[Management Science] Syllabus
Instructor Information
Instructor Email Office Location & Hours
Salma Ghassan Al Azmeh [Layeek / Tuesday ]
General Information
This module aims at giving students among all faculties an overview of management science.Moreover,
providing information regarding the various roles of managers at any organization beside managers' types in
various sectors. In addition, to the main functions managers act at the organization represented by
planning, organization, directing and controlling. In addition to highlight the vital role of management
science in modern societies and the importance of this science for students studying any specialization
including medicine and health care.
Expectations and Goals
This module aims at

1- Providing an accurate definition of management and determine it goals.
2- Highlights the role of manager in organizations and the difference between manager and leader.
3- Highlights the functions of manager including planning which is considered as the first function in
the establishment of any organization.
Provide information about the importance of both organization and directing in organizations.
5- Providing information regarding controlling in any organization which is considered as a metric to
measure the successful of management process.

Language(s) of Instruction: Arabic Textbook(s) Language(s): Arabic
Course Materials
A handout prepared by the lecturer.
Course Schedule
Week Topic Reading Exercises
1 2906/97/22 Introduction Introduction about the module
2 2906/97/27 Chapter One General concepts in management
3 2906/09/4 Chapter One General concepts in management  

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