Exam Network system



We will talk about the system through the functions that it reserve to the

teacher and the student, where the teacher is program administrator which through him the lectures are broadcasted, make exam questions, determine the exam period and the exam enter permeations.

And the student is the client that receive the lectures and the presentations in visual manner, and may also enter to automated exams.

The project idea can be briefed in designing a system allows the interactive between the teacher and the students in easy manner in the teaching class

through a local network where it enables the teacher to maintain and control the teaching operation and helps the learner to understand the desired subject.

This system consists of two parts:

The teacher program:

It is the mean part of the system and it is installed on the teacher computer,

where this program enables the teacher to maintain and control the lectures

and the exams on the local LAN and broadcast the teacher screen to all computers

The student program:

It is a small program which s installed on the student computer to interactive with the teaching operation managed from the teacher program, the students can also perform automated exams through this program where the student can see the lectures. Broadcasting the teacher screen operation consists of 5 levels Take an image to the screen Compress the image Transfer the compressed image through the network Decompress the image Display the image


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