Electronic Commerce Website With Collabrative Filtering to make Recommendation System

The invention of the World Wide Web made it possible to buy everything online without going to stores or malls, the main goal of the project is to simulate an on


The invention of the World Wide
Web made it possible to buy everything online without going to stores or malls,
the main goal of the project is to simulate an online store website that sells
electronic devices and its accessories, the website is able to be developed to sell
more and more things.
The main characteristic of the project is: the website using some algorithms for
rating, and to predicate items that may be purchased by each customer,
depending on the previous procurement cases.
This project was built using ASP.NET MVC 4 that make the working with
MVC technique simple to make a Dynamic website, and there is some
algorithms used for making Recommendation system that gives each customer
a different list of recommended product for every customer logs in to the
ASP.Net MVC 4 is developed in Microsoft Corporation to use MVC technique
in the websites, the used algorithms is the same algorithms used in
AMAZON.com but we used Pearson Correlation Score to calculate the
similarity between products, AMAZON.com used Cosine Based method to
calculate similarity.

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