SPU President at the International Conference of University Rectors

Dr. Nazir Ibrahim, President of the Syrian Private University was an invited speaker to the second time to  International Conference of University Rectors. The quesiton of this year's conference was "WHAT IS THE MISSION OF THE UNIVERSITY TODAY? The event was held at the Universtiy of Rome III (Roma Tre) In collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Education, University & Research and the Rectors Conference of Rome Potifical Universities on 8-9 November 2018. Attending the conference were a number of university presidents/rectors from Europe and the Mediterranean region. The Syrian Private University was the only Syrian institiution of higher education participating in this event.

In his presentation, Dr. Nazir Ibrahim gave an overview of the traditional role of universities during times of peace and then elaborated in depth of the challenges facing universities during times of conflict and in the subsequent post-conflict recovery and reconstruction. Syria's case was of particular importance to attendees to expressed deep interest in understanding the uniqueness of the Syrian context and the impressive ability of the sector to perseve throughout the hardships of war. 

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