Study of the impact of the magnetic field on the degree of protection of the system of acidification equipment


Dr.. Edmond Salloum - Prof. Maher Saadeh


The process of acidification is one of the main processes in the field of oil and gas production. The process of production requires acidification from the moment the well is placed in production and it is needed for the duration of the well life due to changes in the influence of the productive layer and the deposition of the well walls in the bottom zone, . During the acidification process, a variety of different acid catalysts are used to suit the treated layer and the acidification processes are carried out using a system of metallic equipment and devices subject to the acidic effect of the act. In order to reduce corrosion, chemical corrosion inhibitors are used, which is considered a significant cost. The search for a simple and cost-effective method of reducing corrosion is of great scientific and practical importance.

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