Ovarian and Uterine Tube Infarction in a Two Years Old Toddler, Case Report


Muhammad Assem Kubtan

Published in

2017 MOJ Surgery


 "> Introduction: Sudden abdominal pain in toddlers is a taxing challenge, the only symptoms that a two years old toddler can present are crying in pain, it represent a great problem for young mother who never experienced such event before, as  a little girl she can’t complain verbally except crying and occasionally vomiting

Case presentation: We present a case of a two years old girl suffered from severe abdominal pain associated with vomiting. She was referred to our clinic for surgical consultation, with three days history of  abdominal pain, vomiting .Following her visit to the general practitioner, Full blood count revealed notableleukocytosis 24800, with normal urinalysis, the abdomen was rigid, with guarding mainly in the right lower quadrant with absent bowel sounds, since the child was extremely agitated and un cooperating, abdomen X ray , Echo, CTor MRI were omitted. Despite its rarity we were in doubt of adnexal involvement.
Through a 25 mm, lower abdomen Rt sided skin crease Incision, the diagnosis of  Rt sided Ovary and Uterine Tube Hemorrhagic infarction was confirmed clinically, the appendix appeared to have reactive  inflammation. Resection of Rt Uterine Tube and Ovary, as well as appendectomy performed. Her post-operative course was uneventful. The Histology report confirmed the Diagnosis of Hemorrhagic Infarction of Rt Tube and Ovary, Appendix Reactive Inflammation and benign Lymphoid Hyperplasia.


Abdominal emergency; Children; Ovarian Torsion; Hemorrhagic  Infarction of Tube and Ovary; Ovarian Torsion; Abdominal pain in female toddlers; Pediatric emergency

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