Chemical composition of flower’s extracted essential oil from a randomly Introduced plant of Lavandula angustifolia L into Syria


Mayas Gadid (1) , Roula Yacoub(2) , M. Isam Hasan Agha(3)


Flowers’ Samples of lavandula angustifolia L. were collected and dried under airy shadowy condition. Then a 3.0 hours hydro-distillation extraction of essential oil (EO) was carried out with oil’s yield ( 4.2ml /100 g dry weight). By using GC/MS to identify 23 aromatic components representing (98.42) % of total separated components. With Linalool (57.72) % as highest content in the oil, followed by 1, 8-Cineole (19.25) % and Camphor (9.91) %. 9 volatiles are included in the lavender ISO Standard 3515. The result present a positive indicator about growing lavandula angustifolia L. plants for (EO) purposes, under Syrian climates, but prestudies need to be made to insure the globally competitive quality of the produced (EO) with the uppermost yield. 


lavandula dentata L., essential oil, GC-MS, antibacterial activity.

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