Courses Description & Lectures

Neurosurgery Dr. Ahmed Jihad Abdeen
Internal medicine 5 Infectious Dr. Wahid Tajab Baik
Pharmacology Dr. Wail Al Aghawani
Pharmacology 1 Dr. Wail Al Aghawani
Emergency Anesthesia & Reanimation, Dr. Najaw Rakmani
Internal medicine 5 Dr. Maysun Kudsi
Pharmacology Practical 1 Dr. Maamoun Swaidan
Pharmacology 2 Practical Dr. Maamun Swaidan
Organic and Generel Chemistry Dr. Mariam Darakli
Gynecology Prof. Dr. Kanaan Al Sakka
Orthopedic 5 Dr. Isam Ali
Practical Biochemistry Dr. Shereen Al-Youssef
Embroyology Practicals, Dip. Samira Mardini
Practicals Biology & Cell Dip.Samira Mardini
Inner medicine 6 Dr. Zainab Al-Orfi
Biology 1 Dr. Ruba Muhammad
Biology 2 Dr. Ruba Muhammad
Otorhinolaryngology, Dr. Louay Mohd. Zafer Darzagini Nahas
Embryology Prof. Dr. Amira Omary
Endocrinology lectures, Assoc. prof Dr. Zaynab Alourfi
Endocrinology, Assoc. Prof Dr. Zaynab Alourfi
Physiology Ass. Prof. Abdul Wahhab Shahla
Respiratory system diseases, Prof. Dr. Yousser Mohammad
Immunity, Dr. Ghuroub Alkhayer
Medical Terms Prof. Dr. Kubtan
Communication skills, Prof. Dr Asem Kubtan
Thoracic Surgery Bassam Darwish
Hematology Prof. Dr. Charif Al Salem
Gynecology and Obstetrics, Prof. Dr. Hisham Hammami
Behavioral psychology lectures Dr. Lana Saiid
Psychological Medicine lectures, Prof. Dr. Youssef Latifeh
Microbiology Dr. Eva Askar
Medical terms lectures
Behavioral psychology
Histology, Dr. Abeer Al Ani
General Histology Dr. Abeer Al ani
Embryology General & Special Dr. Amira
Surgery 2 Prof. Dr. Asem Kubtan
Dermatology. Prof. Dr. Fayez Al Daghlawi
History of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Nizar Al Daher
Internal medicine 3
Internal medicine 1
Medical Physics, Prof. Dr. Siham Tarabichi
Microbiology 1, Dr. Eva Askar
Microbiology 2, Dr. Eva Askar
  To view the Course Description of the faculty of medicine, please click on the attached files:
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