E-learning @ SPU in the time of Coronavirus


Out of the university’s administration and teaching staff’s awareness of the importance of making use of time lost due corona virus to develop the teaching process, and as a continuation of the blended learning project, the university’s E-learning team is holding a training course for teaching staff members. This course deals with the various available options, resources and electronic sources to support the educational environment and facilitate the process of interaction between students and the teaching staff through e-learning platforms.

The course is held in a sanitized and equipped environment to enable the trainers and trainees to focus on the purpose of the course. The used devices and training rooms are continuously sterilized to ensure the achievement of the highest health standards.

Ninety of the teaching staff participants have been acquainted with the best practices in creating an interactive and participatory learning environment. This environment moves away from the indoctrinating pedagogical approach and focuses on the faculty members ’possession of the required skills. This course includes uploading lectures and paves the way for conducting electronic workshops directly after the end of the course. It also results in creating sustainable skills for the university’s staff. The lock-down caused by Coronavirus might be a reason for creating a gap between teachers and learners, however, this distance should not become a barrier to the learning process in the time of internet technologies.

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