
In Modern Ocular Pharmacology-Dexamethasone the Top Active Corticosteroid

Loai Aljerf and Nuha Al Masri

Published in
EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 6.6 (2018): 463-468


Dexamethasone has been used by ophthalmologists with increasing frequency over the 6 decades, with the concomitant development of a diverse range of drop, ointment, subconjuctival, and oral preparations. The ocular bioavailability is seriously hampered by the low aqueous solubility. Patients in the current study were with corticosteroid ocular conditions, have been treated with dexamethasone. Average initial dosages ranged from 1.5 mg. to 3.0 mg. daily. Maintenance dosages were adjusted according to individual requirements. The results obtained were similar to those generally observed with prednisone or prednisolone, in addition, dexamethasone had the highest milligram activity than any corticosteroid to date.

Dexamethasone; Corticosteroid; Bioavailability; Metabolic Balance; Exacerbation of Symptoms





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