
Water control System

In water industry, the water is stored in OHT (Over Head Tank). This is located so far from the WTP (Water Treatment Plant) .This also not so convenience to the user to look after the tank, in order to control the level of the


In water industry, the water is stored in OHT (Over Head Tank). This is located so far from the WTP (Water Treatment Plant) .This also not so convenience to the user to look after the tank, in order to control  the level of the water in the tank. To  start  managing  the  water  flow,  there  is  a  need  to  understand the  entire  system  that  consists  of  two  tanks;  the first  one  receives  the water from a pump feeding the second tank by a valve making the both tanks in interacting mode. To design a control system that controls the level in both tanks, we have to start  by modeling, analyzing our model then think about the control type to such system .The analysis and modeling of such system has been made with the aid of  Matlab and Simulink to analyze the level of water in the two tanks, the required specification has been achieved and the results is quite suitable to start the design part as a future suggested work. The  aim  of  this  project  is  to  control  and  manage  water  flow  in  a building. This building could be a Hospital or Hotel or normal building

with many floors and apartments as areal practical application..

To start managing  the  water  flow,  there  is    a  need  to  understand  the  entire system that consists of two tanks, the first one receives the water  from a pump  feeding  the  second  tank  by  a  valve  making  the  both  tanks  in  interacting mode.


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