
Respiratory effects in children from passive smoking of cigarettes and narghile: ISAAC Phase Three in Syria


Y. Mohammad,*†‡ R. Shaaban,* M. Hassan,* F. Yassine,* S. Mohammad,† J. F. Tessier,§ P. Ellwood

Published in

INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 18(11):1279–1284  Q 2014 The Union  http://dx.doi.org/10.5588/ijtld.13.0912


The association between environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and asthma symptoms is well documented, but a causal relationship is inconclusive. International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase Three was the first to report a doseresponse relationship between current wheezing and exposure to parental cigarette smoke. As exposure of children to water pipe (narghile) smoke is of concern in Syria, in the ISAAC Phase Three Tartous Centre we also examined the role of parental smoking of the narghile.
M E T H O D S : Parents of children aged 6–7 years completed core written questionnaires about the prevalence


passive smoking; wheezing; water pipe; ISAAC; narghile

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