
Preliminary report of a new method of surgical treatment of haemorrhoids


Muhammad Assem Kubtan


When conservative treatment fails, many invasive techniques developed to treat hemorrhoids. This study aims to compare the results of method designed by the author. (Disconnection of Systemic from Visceral Circulation at the anal canal DSVC) with the classical surgery known as Milligan & Morgan approach M&M. We conducted controlled, non- blinded, randomized study, involved 72 patients, took place under the supervision of one surgeon (the author) in Damascus hospital in Syria. For DVSC the mean procedures time (10  +/- 0) minutes (ranged between 8-21 minutes) and duration of hospitalization 4 ± 2 hours post operatively. The mean procedures time for M&M (20 ± 0) minutes (ranged between 18- 35 minutes) and hospitalized for two day post-operatively. We recommend DSVC method for 2nd, 3rd degree and prolapsing hemorrhoids, it is easy to perform, not associated with  serious complications and has a good and satisfactory results.
Compared to other surgical procedures, less painful, blood stained anal discharge but no actual bleeding , and does not require specific device (Doppler sounder), or
Stapler, and satisfy the patient.

Published in

Glob Surg, 2015


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