
Progressive liver failure post acute hepatitis A, over a three-month period, resulting in hepatorenal syndrome and death


Tarek Turk1,*, Tareq Al Saadi1 , Bisher Sawaf2 , Mahmoud Alkhatib1 , Mhd Ismael Zakaria2 , Bisher Daaboul 


Hepatitis A is a common viral illness worldwide. It usually results in an acute, self-limiting disease and only rarely leads to fulminant hepatic failure or any other complications. During the period of conflict in Syria, and due to the damages to water infrastructure and poor sanitation, a dramatic increase in hepatitis A virus infection has been documented. Here we report a rare case of a 14-year-old male whose hepatitis A was complicated with hepatorenal syndrome and subacute liver failure. The war condition in Syria impeded transportation of the patient to a nearby country for liver transplantation, contributing to his unfortunate death.

Published in

2016.  Oxford University Press and Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University


hepatitis A virus, acute liver failure, hepatorenal syndrome

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