
Unusual Pulmonary Masses in Beta Thalassemia Major


Kaddar Abir, Mohammad Yousser, Dabsha Omar and Prof. Salwa Alcheikh


> Thalassemia is common in our Mediterranean region. In severe untreated β-thalassemia major, extramedullary ineffective erythropoiesis is a common feature, and if patients are not correctly transfused this leads to growth retardation, multi-organ abnormalities, including hepatosplenomegaly and skeletal deformities due to overgrowth of the bone marrow.
 nlarging ribs and mass-like opacities has been described primarily in the thorax and paraspinal region. We report a case of an unusual chest X ray in a 49 years old male, presented with multiple pulmonary masses, proved by biopsy to be an extension of ribs and vertebrae due to extramedullary erythropoietic tissue growth. In addition, Spirometry of our patient showed  combined restrictive and obstructive syndrome with small airways diseases. Our patient present also with as reported by echocardiography: diastolic dysfunction, Aortic regurgitation grade 1 - 2, mild dilatation of right ventricle: (30 mm), Pulmonary artery pressure (50 mmHg). He equally has hepatosplenomegaly, osteoporosis, and Secondary hypogonadism with impotence after a fully active life with 5 children.This case illustrates the need for considering thalassemia Major as differential diagnosis in unexplained abnormalities of many
systems, including intraparenchymal masses seen in pulmonary imaging

Published in

EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 2.5 (2016)


Radiography; Pulmonary Masses; Thalassemia

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