
Curso de “Temporo Tratamiento de Desórdenes Conjunto mandibular “

The faculty of dentistry at the Syrian Private University organized a training course on Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Treatment. An elite of professors  interested in this field and have selected experience in treating the Temporomandibular Joint Disorders’ patients i.e.:

Prof. Dr. Isam Jamous, lecturer at Damascus University.

Prof. Dr. Samer Akkad, teaching staff at the faculty of dentistry at the Syrian Private University.

Prof. Dr. Basel Shiha, teaching staff at Kalmoon University.

Prof. Dr. Jihad AlBarudi, specialist in orthodontics

The vice dean of the faculty of dentistry for scientific affairs Prof. Dr. directed and supervised the course.

The theoretical part of the course was held on Saturday 3/12/2016 in the theatre of martyr Basel Al Assad institute and included lectures on joint anatomy, ailment mechanism, reasons, classification, diagnosis and treating methods attended by 130 dentists and students.

The practical part consisted clinical training for diagnosing and treating was held on Monday 5/12/2016 in the faculty of dentistry clinics.

The training course was distinctive by its topic which is important and rarely approached, and delivered information and good experience to the SPU’s student and to the guest dentists who attended the course.

Zahra Dent Company sponsored the course and presented the attendees valuable presents, and presented the top three students who won a contest covered different questions stemmed from course lectures expressed their understanding the information presented in the course. 

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