[Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry2] Syllabus
[1st semester, 2018-2019]
Instructor Information
Instructor Email Office Location & Hours
Pr. Anas Rajab anasrajab@gmail.com [Faculty of Pharmacy, 1-3 pm, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday]
General Information
The course includes the following chapters in organic chemistry: study of functional groups - study of heterocycliccompounds - carbohydrate chemistry - amino acids, peptides and proteins
Expectations and Goals
This course aims to provide the student with the following:
1 - Study the concepts and basics of organic chemistry.
2. Study of functional groups of organic compounds (aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines, nitrilesand organic nitrogen compounds).
3 - Study of heterocyclic compounds ring compounds.
4 - Study some organic compounds that have a vital role such as carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and peptides.
Language(s) of Instruction: Arabic Textbook(s) Language(s) :Arabic
Course Materials
Required Text
- Paula Bruice, Organic Chemistry (7th edition), 2014 .
Course Schedule
Week Topic Reading Exercises
1 22/9 – 27/9 Introduction
2 29/9 – 4/10 Alcohols and phenols
3 6/10 – 11/10 Ethers and epoxides
4 13/10 – 18/10 Simple sulfuric organic compounds
5 20/10 – 25/10 Aldehydes and ketones
6 27/10 – 1/11 Carboxylic acids
7 3/11 – 8/11 Carboxylic Derivatives (halide acids, anhydrides)
8 10/11 – 15/11 Carboxylic Derivatives (esters, amides)
9 17/11 – 22/11 Nitriles
10 24/11 – 29/11 Amines
11 1/12 -6/12 Diazoniumsalts, azo compounds and Another Nitrogenous organic compounds
12 8/12 – 13/12 Heterocyclic compounds
13 15/12 – 20/12 Heterocyclic compounds
14 22/12 – 27/12 Carbohydrates
15 29/12 – 3/1 amino acids, proteins and peptides
Testing Schedule
test Date Subject Reading Type language % of final grade
Quizz 1 27/10 till 1/11 First 6 chapters Chapter/pp written Arabic 5%
Quizz 2 8/12 till 13/12 Last 6 chapters Chapter/pp written Arabic 5%
Final 5/1 till 17/1 All chapters Chapter/pp written Arabic 60%
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