Academic Supervision at the University:
Academic supervisionis consideredas an essential element of the academic process, through which many facilities areoffered to the sake of the students. Academic supervisionis the students’ first support throughout their academic life. It provides them with instructive information and guides them wisely to select and registertheir courses. These all are important factorsthat contributein helping themfor adaptation with university study and its requirements. Most higher education institutions depend on the teaching staff members’ experiences toadvice the students in the following topics:
· Advise the students’academically such as selecting specialization.
·Offer the students suggestions and advice for enhancing their scientific achievement.
·Help the students to overcome arising academic and administrative problems.
· Detect students’ interests and trends and develop their individual potentials.
· Benefit of all experiences available at the university.
Academic advising is one of the most important services whichpositively influence students’academic and practical knowledge. In the light of the changes of enrolling a university, the students, are in need throughout their academic life, for guidance and supervision to cope with these changes,for a trusted source of information and skills needed.This service helps the students to adapt with the university environmentand enable them to enhance their performance, and provide them with needed energy to continue forward.
Supervisor’s tasks:
1. Acquaint students with faculty’s curricula(levels, specialization, university and faculty obligatory and optional courses, provisions for moving from one level to the next.
2.Acquaint students with courses’ names, codes, prerequisites,equivalents, sequence, and advice students to best means for benefitting from them.
3. Acquaint students with credit hours system, level, transfer, pass and fail.
4.Offer students academic advice and help them to select appropriate courses after reviewing their university life achievements (GPA, AGPA).
5. Introduce academic systems to students (credit hours, registration, estimations, and warnings, setting under academic control), explain point equivalent, letter equivalent, GPA, AGPAand their calculating method.
6. Encourage and support superior and talented students, and help unsurpassed student to enhance their scientific performannce.
7. Develop students’ self-potentials to solve their own problems and rectify their academic career.
8.Encourage students to play positive roles in the educational process, such as participating in the university and faculty activities.
9. Make certain that the students are informed by the dates of: courses registration, add and drop, and changingsections according to official regulations.
10.Help every student individually to register his credit hours in accordance to his maximum and minimum potential, and to the academic system.
11.Help students to fill correctly the academic forms with all required information and submitting them in due time.
12. Guide students to the appropriate way forbenefitting from summer semester i.e. suggest the courses to be registered and setting a scheme for conducting academic plans and projects.
13. Acquaint novice students to the university facilities, tasks and administrative hierarchy.
14.Prepare a special academic life file for every student.
15. Stress on the importance of attending theoretical lectures and practical sessions, and explain the risk and consequences of absence,and explain to the students that absenteeism percentage exceeding 15% of the total lectures and sessions number of any course, will deprive them from attending its final exam at the semester’s end.
16. Explain examinations regulations and instructions to the students, and stress on the importance of complete and strict adherence to them, in particular writing with blue pens exclusively.
17.Explain examinations penalties to the students in case of cheating and causing disturbancein examination room.
18. Explain graduation requirements to the students (total number of credit hours, required average for graduation,results, grades, points, number of allowed conditional-passed credits, etc…).
19.Explain the meaning of grade I = in Complete(if a student cannot continue full-time study for reasons beyond his control), grade Z = Zero (if a studentis deprived from attending final examination due to either absenteeism or penalties).
20. Explain the meaning of grade W = Withdraw(if a student withdraws a course, it will not be considered in calculation his AGPA).
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