
Engineering Creativity


Creativity in engineering design

Fourth year

Course Instructor : D. Mufeed Al-Afeef,  e-mail :

Office hours: Layéek  Institute - Monday and Wednesday from 14:00 to 17:00.

Course Description:

The following chapters include : general considerations in machine design, strengths and loads, stresses, awards, safety factor with static and mobile loads, cylindrical vessels and tubes,

Columns, Threaded connectors, Welded joints, Bolts and fasteners, Bolts , Joints, Bolts, Bolts for power transmission, Springs, Brakes.

Course Objectives:

1. Application of the academic programs of the College of Petroleum Engineering.

2. Making the necessary calculations for the creation of new machines and the ability to innovate and economize.

3 - Achieving durability and weight loss and the use of cheap local materials available.

4 - Studying the methods of assembling and transferring the various pieces of the machine from the place of production to the place of investment.

5- Studying the safety requirements and increasing safety measures because man is more important than the machine.

 Teaching Language: Arabic.

 Language of books and references: Arabic.

Books and educational materials:

Mechanical Design (1) Moataz Jawish / Damascus University Publications 2006- 2007.

Lecture Program

Week :  Theme

The first: is a historical overview of engineering innovation and basic principles in machine design.

The second : Powers and loads, stress, emotion, flexibility, Poisson factor, torque

                Inertia, torque amplification factor.

Third : tensile and tensile stress, pressure and pressure stress, shear and shear stress, bending,

               Torque and power torque, convexity, stresses and heat reactions.

Fourth  :shock, drop or deviation, irritability, fatigue, fatigue resistance and limit

               Probability, safety factor, pressure vessels (cylinders).

V: pillars, Columns specifications, Design of column dimensions on the basis of durability, torsion

      Columns and curves, Column design on the basis of torsional and lateral bends.

 VI :   Brushes, Rivets, Rivets,  Loaded joints, non-central load, breakdown of split joints.

 VII :   Welding joints, welded welding areas, welded joints, design

               Welding, tolerances in welding for static and dynamic loads.

Eight : Axes and Joints, Classification of Bolts and Nails and Types, Stresses

                 In shafts, gate design, articular joints, spindle joints,  Design steps, tests on shear.

Ninth:  bolts and bolts, Uniforms for screw teeth, Design  bolts under the static axial drive without initial tightening and with initial tightening, design of thickening thickness.

X :bolt power transmission, teeth and their types, ball bearings, locking bolts

      Self-design steps for power bolts.

Week : Theme

XI : Springs of a stretching, Springs of a stretching, Springs of a stretching, Springs of compression,  torsion springs, tensile springs, permissible stresses.

Twelve : brakes, basic methods of regulation and stop movement, analysis of forces affecting

                  Brake, heat generated and dissipative.

Testing Scheduale:










First 6 chapters


Quiz 1




Last 6  chapters


Quiz 2




All chapters





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