The Provost is appointed by an executive order of SPU President Pursuant to recommendation of the Board of Trustees (BOT). The provost is expected to have an extensive experience in university management, tertiary education regulations in Syria, and labor laws.
The Provost of the University, by virture of her/his position functions are the rapporteurof the University Council (UC). The office of the provost prepares and edits the minutes of UC sessions. The register of UC has to be co-signed with the president of SPU to become an official document of the Syrian Private University.
The duties of the Provost of the University shall be defined as follows:
- Assisting the university president and his deputies in administrative and financial affairs of the university. The provost be responsible for implementing the decisions and regulations within his competence.
- Supervising the work of directorates and departments of central administration.
- Follow up the implementation of decisions of the Council of Higher Education and the UC and the decisions of the President of the University and his deputies and raise the necessary proposals for that.
- Conducting the Secretariat of the University Council and supervising the preparation of its agenda, organizing the minutes of its meetings and drafting its resolutions.
- See the mail of the mail to the university in preparation for "to be presented to the President of the University or his deputies and follow-up to follow up with the relevant authorities.
- Carrying out the other tasks entrusted to him by the President.
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