The directorate of financial affairs plays a central and a very important rolein the universitydue toits close linkwith allactivitiesofthe universityfaculties, departments, and administrations. TheDirectorate of Financial Affairsstands at equal distance between providingidealserviceto studentson the one handandachieving universitygoals on the other hand.
Depending on team spirit of the directorate of financial affairs’ staff and theircreative potentials, the directoratestrives tokeep up withalladministrative, technical and technological developments, which serve theuniversity and its students, in order to have anactive role inachieving the university civilizationandeducationalmessage.
Main Tasks of the Directorate:
1. Prepare the final university’s financial statements.
2. Contribute in preparing the university’s budget.
3.Draw university’s internal financial policies.
4.Develop strategic policies of the university’s financial activities.
5.Follow up all financial and tax laws and regulations.
6. Collecttuition fees within the university-scheduled time limits and instruct students for payment in the approved banks.
7. Followup collecting tuition fees from students in particular from debtors.
8.Financialaudit before granting university documents to students.
9.Scrutinize clearance forms before granting transcripts and graduation attestations.
10.Supply university’sprocurement and requirements.
11.Shoulder responsibility for all university’s assets and warehouses in terms of inventory and preservation.
12.Follow up all university and students financial transactions with the approved bank.
13.Preserve university funds and deposit s in the approved bank.
14.Pay salaries and compensations of university professors and employees at due time and organize relevant payroll tables in coordination with the Directorate of Human Resources directorate.
15. Followup with all contractors and suppliers in accordance with the concluded contracts and agreements.
16.Work to control expenditures and rationalize consumption through steady followup with all university faculties and directorates.
17. Payall financial obligations toward governmental and private authorities.
18. Report the university presidency periodically onstudents’ financial status andthe available liquidityat the university, and any other different financial activities at it.
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